5/1/2020 Today’s postToday’s post is going to be about tick flea and heartworm medication. In light of one of our pups passing from ihma I thought this would be a great topic to cover today. Ihma can be brought on from tick diseases. Not always the case but it can. The rest of the cases they just don’t know why it happens. If you missed the post, daisy age 7 passed away this week from ihma. We are very saddened by this. So I wanted to take the time today to talk about prevention. As a breeder I’m limited to what I can use on pregnant dogs. Very few medications are safe. Actually most are linked to formalities at birth. So we strictly use revolution. However we have had diagnoses of Lyme and ehrlichiosis because of tick bites. Revolution is not great with ticks. I really like bravecta and serresto collars. Those are my 2 go toos. They work well with little side effects. There are others on the market. I recommend discussing with your vet the best recommendation. Because of age not every product can be used. You will also need a separate heartworm medication. Revolution covers all 3 but most do not. I recommend doing a snap test every year at your yearly exam. We will discuss shots/vaccinations tomorrow. But at each yearly vaccination appt I recommend doing a snap test, a fecal, script for flea/tick/heartworm meds in addition to your vaccinations. This allows one appt to cover the entire year. A yearly check-up. A lot of meds for fleas/ticks/heartworm are cheaper if you buy a yearly supply at a time.
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