1/6/2023 Hazel’s litter week 6My how the time flies. My week 5 assessments are close but I did see a couple changes. So here is a run down of each.
pink: she is playful. Outgoing and wants attention and loves people. yellow: a little more reserved than I thought. Definitely the leader but not the bully. She is confident but low key. purple: she is definitely goofy and outgoing. Likes to be front and center and playful. blue: low key. Playful snuggly loves to be with siblings hanging out. green: definitely the most laid back of the bunch. Independent. Doesn’t mind napping by him self but will pick me to snuggle with if he can. orange: playful, loves people, hangs out with siblings medium energy. 12/30/2022 Hazel's 1st litter - 5 weeksHazel’s first litter is 5 weeks old today! They are all growing beautifully and we are starting to see their personalities develop. It’s incredible how, somewhere between 5 and 6 weeks, the puppies begin to really show their true selves. While they are sure to come into their own even more in the next week, here are the things we’ve started to see so far. ![]() Blue is a relaxed boy who is happy to snuggle. Earlier this week we had visitors and he fell asleep laying in the hood of a sweatshirt, nice and cozy and warm. ![]() Orange boy is just gorgeous! His white markings are perfectly proportioned with a little pink, specked nose. He is perfectly happy to snuggle, but also excited to play with his siblings. ![]() Green boy is a quiet guy who is starting to figure out his place among his siblings. Now that everyone has been getting up and being more active, he’s a little more reserved and likes to watch before jumping in. It’ll be interesting to see how his personality continues to develop over the next week. ![]() Yellow girl is a leader. She is spunky, ready to play, and bats her front paws in an attempt to get your attention. She is happy to be around all her siblings. ![]() Pink girl is the other red pup with white markings. Overall, she seems happy to play with her siblings, socialize, or snuggle up and fall asleep with anyone who comes over to visit. She loves getting attention and especially relishes in chin scratches. ![]() Purple girl is an absolute beauty! Affectionately nicknamed “Cowgirl" due to her markings, she resembles her grandma Dolly and her personality is also very similar. She is silly and loves a good belly rub. 9/21/2021 Temperaments at week 6 fall 2021 littersOh I can’t believe we are at week 6. Seems like just last week they were born. I’ll do a quick run down of temperaments. We have been outside the last couple days and it gives me a chance to really watch them play snd interact.
dollys are easy. All very similar. They are playful and laid back. Her lines do tend to take longer to mature. Meaning they are silly goofy pups for awhile. They are happy to play and flop in the grass. Beccas are right with me. They love people. They want to interact with me and what I’m doing. And they follow me. lunas are almost a mix of the 2. They interact with each other because they feel comfortable and know their litter. They are warming up to the other litters the more we are outside. 7/23/2021 Selection is this weekendSome how it never seems like 7 weeks has passed but it has. Selection is this weekend. We have been having so much fun outside that I have not blogged much. Just posted lots of pictures on Facebook. So a quick run down of what I see. Sometimes things change from day to day so this is just observation in general from yesterday and today.
green is more independent than the others. Meaning he loves to go explore. He watches lightening bugs and just really walks around observing everything. Grey unfortunately is still teething and I feel awful for him but besides that he is just the sweetest lap pup. He is probably the happiest pup. Green is more the alpha and in charge. And what I mean by that is they follow him and his lead. If he is playing everyone is sure to join in. He tests out the waters and approves and they all trust him. Pink is outgoing in that nothing really scares her. She is bold and approaches new things. Red is quiet. She is usually with the pack or near me. A little more timid but definitely a snuggler. Yellow is still the smallest and most timid. She loves to play. And if she is not playing then I can just carry her around and she is ok with that too. Purple is funny. She is confident but sweet. She comes off outgoing but it’s an act. She likes to repeat things so that she knows she is good at it. With time and reassurance she will do anything. I don’t think anyone is a bad choice as I think they are all very similar. No one stands out as omg this or that. 7/20/2021 PersonalitiesWe have been going outside for an hour at a time to play. We are having so much fun and mom can really see our temperaments this way.
First some litters are very different and we have a wide range in personality. Some are very close. This litter is very close and will very much be like mom and dad. Marni is a fun happy go lucky lap dog. She wants to meet everyone and love on them. Tate is laid back and loves his family. He prefers the quiet home life and hanging out with family. The pups seem to be following both. A quick run down of what I see so far. orange loves to explore and is not scared out of the pen in the yard. He enjoys mingling with the bigger dogs and playing. Green is fun and playful. He is more outgoing than other that he is not scared of things. Grey is a tiny boy that’s always happy. He kisses and wants to be with me. Red is very much like green that she is not scared of new things and wants to play and have fun. Purple is a happy girl that talks with her paws. She loves attention and to wag her tail. Pink is laid back lap dog and always in the puppy pile. Yellow is the smallest and most timid. She would let me carry her around for hours. She is more gentle. I’ll post more each day. 6/12/2021 Summer 2021Marni’s pups have arrived and are all doing well. Becca dolly and Luna all were bred this week for august pups going home in early October. Once we confirm pregnancy we will open waitlist back up.
2/15/2021 PersonalityI’m starting to really see personality. And I love that they are so close together. I’m not seeing any outliers. Some litters I can pick out just by their bark because I hear it so much or what they are doing. This litter is a tight group with not much difference. Today they got moved to beside glass door so we can start potty training as soon as weather breaks. I also introduced small crates abd they love them so far. This is what I seen today. Green and pink are very similar. Quiet. On the low key side. Wine is my happy tail girl. Always happy and smiling and wanting to get in my lap. Blue loves to explore. He is not afraid to go off and see everything. He actually prefers to investigate. Yellow and red are similar that they are playful with toys. Purple is the silly girl like mom. Brown and white both are similar that they are easily going. Middle of the pack.
I’ll post more this week. 2/6/2021 Litter 16 week 4-1/2I always start each new litter the blog the same way. To prepare you. I am not a writer. Math is my back ground. So creative writing such as this is fun for me but may not be fun to read. My spelling and punctuation is that of a middle school student. So I promise to share lots of good information with you if you can struggle through my writing.
It’s week 4-1/2. I did introduce food a little early only because they seemed to thin out fast and I’m thinking moms milk is drying up soon. They have done well with the mash. It’s food softened. But this allows me to start to see personality. Who eats first. Who is not afraid. I did do a socialization today with adults and kids and it went very well. What I have noticed so far. And please if I don’t say anything about a certain color, that’s not bad. It just means I didn’t pick anything that stood out today. So blue let me do anything to him. He needed a hinny wash and usually they scream when you dunk their butt under the faucet and he could have cared less. He then snuggled up in someone’s arms and was content. Wine was very eager to meet everyone. Every time I noticed she was greeting someone else. Just going from person to person and introducing herself. Purple was very sweet. She really interacted with the visitors. The rest enjoyed going to someone and getting in their lap and laying down. Pet me, love me. I did not notice any hesitation today. They all seemed eager to meet people. No one got back in the pen to get away. As each day passes I will write more. I will notice more. And they will grow and change. I do have to let everyone know I’m pushing back pick up by one week. I changed my vet appt to the following week so it could be with the vet I prefer at the practice. I apologize for this. But I really prefer this vet for puppy exams. He is very good. But by switching to this vet his first available appt was not till following week. 6/26/2020 Personality 6 weeks roxys litterWow these guys are like little roxys running around. I couldn’t ask for a more consistent litter. All with in the same size. I think teal may be a little larger than the others. And one girl looks a little smaller. But in general they are like 8 little twins. I have noticed some personality. Pink is a sweet little deva. Prefers to stay clean. Was not liking the grass. Just sat and watched the others run and play. Yellow is my shadow. Loves to follow me. Wine and purple are hard to tell apart. They are playful little things. Red is outgoing. She goes for the toys not scared of the steps. Tan is always in the toy bin. He is quite. Green is adventurous. He is outgoing and explores. Teal is the largest and the lightest. He is quiet
6/24/2020 Litter 14 6 weeksCan’t believe these guys are 6 weeks and selection weekend is this weekend. It just doesn’t seem possible. This is definitely a fun litter. They look like momma and act like momma. Roxy is very playful. She tries to play with everyone. She is very social and outgoing. It doesn’t matter if it’s Bella or curly or Becca or Marni she asks them to play and believe it or not they do. Her and Bella were playing last night and Bella was on the floor on her back rolling around. Can’t remember the last time Bella played like that. At her age she just doesn’t play much. But Roxy talks them in to playing. She is very sweet and not intimidating so they don’t mind. She plays gentle too. All the pups are like this. They are all playful. I’m finding the main split is boys girls. The boys are a little more independent. I find them by them selves playing. The girls are social and play with each other. Yellow is at my feet. She loves my toes. Pink stands her ground and no one runs her over. Wine is always in dollys box playing with her pups. Red loves the jungle gym. Purple investigates and goes to the swing to check things out. Tan is often right outside the puppy pen watching what is going on. Teal is often in the crate playing with a toy. And green I find in dollys pen playing with their toys.
this litter is pretty even temperamented. I do not have anyone real shy. I can’t say I have a dominate one either. I thought maybe yellow. But that has not paned out. She is just playful. Not dominate. Anyway. I’m not worried about any particular home. I don’t see anyone being real mouthy. I actually think these guys are less mouthy than Maggie’s litter. They all seem to hold their own. No one has anxiety. And no one is real shy. They all seem very well rounded and playful. It’s been a fun litter. And I think they will all do well in any home. |
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