7/23/2021 Selection is this weekendSome how it never seems like 7 weeks has passed but it has. Selection is this weekend. We have been having so much fun outside that I have not blogged much. Just posted lots of pictures on Facebook. So a quick run down of what I see. Sometimes things change from day to day so this is just observation in general from yesterday and today.
green is more independent than the others. Meaning he loves to go explore. He watches lightening bugs and just really walks around observing everything. Grey unfortunately is still teething and I feel awful for him but besides that he is just the sweetest lap pup. He is probably the happiest pup. Green is more the alpha and in charge. And what I mean by that is they follow him and his lead. If he is playing everyone is sure to join in. He tests out the waters and approves and they all trust him. Pink is outgoing in that nothing really scares her. She is bold and approaches new things. Red is quiet. She is usually with the pack or near me. A little more timid but definitely a snuggler. Yellow is still the smallest and most timid. She loves to play. And if she is not playing then I can just carry her around and she is ok with that too. Purple is funny. She is confident but sweet. She comes off outgoing but it’s an act. She likes to repeat things so that she knows she is good at it. With time and reassurance she will do anything. I don’t think anyone is a bad choice as I think they are all very similar. No one stands out as omg this or that. Comments are closed.
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