5/20/2017 Brushingwe are headed to the groomers this week and it reminded me, a lot of you ask about brushing. I've always recommend the slicker brush and metal comb because that's what my best poodle groomer taught me. All my girls hate both. And I mean hate. I have added a sheen spray to help glide and it works and I've tried the furminator brush. But just recently I saw another breeder post about the Chris c brush and everyone agreed it was the best for doodles. So I ordered one today to try and I will post after grooming appt how well this thing works. Because we have an insane amount of knots right now because of hating being brushed.
5/18/2017 I have not blogged in awhileeveryone is home safe and doing great. I have been updating fb litter 5 as people send me pictures. It was a challenging couple weeks getting everyone settled in. I do have most of the puppy stuff packed away this week. Still need a couple days in the yard to fill in holes and re seed some spots. I do still have 1 male available. Green. He is very sweet. Sleeps all night beside my bed. He is very playful. Loves playing with dolly. I think he is pretty outgoing so I've been selective in placing him in an appt. he actually is not a fan of being outside long but he loves to play. So he needs to go to a house with lots of attn or a playmate. But he will be a big boy. 40 or so. So either someone who has time to spoil him or a playmate that likes to rough house.
5/10/2017 Wow what a weekoh and it's only Wednesday. Lol. I have 2 yet to leave. I will be flying aqua Friday so I'll be unavailable if anyone tries to contact me. At this point in the game I start to get a little fried so bear with me. Aqua and green have had a lot of fun today playing. They played with curly all afternoon in the yard.
5/6/2017 Going home dos and don'tsas the babies leave I like to pass along things others have learned the hard way. First, don't leave baby unattended or out of arms reach on the bed or sofa. They will jump. They will break legs. Next if you have a chewer confine them when you can't watch them. Eating socks or chewing on cords will end in er visit. Next some doodles have stomachs of steel and some ultra sensitive. It seems it's no in between. So try to stick to same food and treats. Gradually introduce new things. Don't introduce a bunch of treats the same day. That way you can watch poo and know if you are good or not. Poo is the best indicator of health. Merrick tends to produce a softer poo. But it should not be liquid. Just soft. If too loose you can give pumpkin to firm or sweet potato both are high in fiber. I'm in process of switching my girls to a raw diet. I pick up food the 13th. If all goes well I will blog with info and if anyone wants help switching let me know. I found a cost effective company local and it is ground and already mixed to feed with ground bone and veggies. Also remove harness when not walking so that they can't get teeth stuck in fabric. Hope this helps. Just some tid bits we all know but forget from pup to pup. Remember the first month is like s toddler. I always consider 6 months the middle school years and 9-12 months the high school years. Age 1 is early adult hood. Pretty mature. Even if you don't have kids of your own, you were that age once. Lol.
5/6/2017 Busy weekend playingsome great pictures of play inside this morning. It's still just too wet outside to play. We have ran out to potty but that's it.
5/3/2017 Outside play and pensome of you have asked what my set up looks like. So I took some pictures inside and out. They are right at door so I can open and take them out. They have a confined area outside that's just theirs but they like being in the entire yard when I let them. I give the girls a break to potty and have some peace and that's when I make them stay in their area. Dolly follows everything Bella and curly do. But she is still a puppy. So I have to watch close that she doesn't play too rough. They enjoyed the day outside today. The straw was nice to keep down on the mud but it keeps getting tracked in the house.
5/2/2017 Week 9they are all doing very well. I can't get over how quick they learn stuff. Today I delivered orange so I was gone a couple hours and to make up for that I brought back knuckle bones. So we have been outside eating them. They love chewing on them. It's fun to watch them pick up these huge bones and carry them around. The weather is great for being outside. I couldn't ask for s nicer day to be outside playing. They are learning manners from mom and grand mom. They love to rough play with each other but a couple mins later they are snuggled in my lap.
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