4/7/2017 Pictures are postedi updated the current puppy page with weights and pictures. Now is when they change so much from day to day. Once they start eating it's like someone gives them miracle grow pup. They pack the weight on then you start seeing other changes. Hair growth. Personalities. Mobility. It's amazing in just a couple days how much they change. Most have at least a couple teeth through. Some have all. But I'm still feeding mush for the ones that can't chew yet. This litter has been very picky with the texture of the mush. They don't like it thick. So I'm still making it very runny. This is actually the first time in all my breeding that the mother has started weaning this early. They are 5 weeks old. This is ideal. Most times the vet is having a cow that they are still nursing some at 8 weeks. But I let my mothers determine when to stop. I've tried stopping them and it just creates anxiety on the mom. She will go to great lengths to get to pups to feed if she feels they need it. So I'm delighted that curly has started weaning this early on her own. However, she started regurgitating. Bella always has. I'm use to this. To make a long story short, I have been feeding 1 raw meal a day for weeks. My dogs love raw. I have not transitioned completely just because it is a lot of work to feed raw. Kibble is so much easier. But I noticed they were just bored with kibble and the raw they get excited to eat. I feed everything from liver, gizzards, neck, back, wings. Anyway, Bella always regurgitated liver for her pups. And that's fine. Pups can have raw. But this week I caught curly regurgitating a chicken neck for the pups. That's a no no. They don't have teeth yet to chew. Needless to say I have changed what raw I feed so that if she does, it's nothing with bones. And trust me, the whole oh just keep mom away for an hour till she digests it is nonsense. Because she can do it hours later if she wants. So there is always something going on. Lol. Anyway the pups are ready to be moved out of the pool and into the play yard. I will probably do this Monday. And if the weather is good I may take them out in the yard for a little while. I need to see if they are big enough to go up and down the steps. I think we are probably still a couple days from that but we will see.
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