11/26/2018 Personalitythis will be a long one. I’ll start with, I know a couple are really focusing on color. Remember you have to live with this pup for a long time. So the first year can be super easy. Or it can be very difficult. When a pup fits in the family they fit. It’s easy. When they don’t you struggle and so does the pup. I have many pups over the years that it just clicked. It was easy and pleasurable. And then you have the couple that you had that hunch from day one that it was going to be a lot of work and it was. What you expect from them is not what they are giving. And this can work both ways. Either too shy or too outgoing. So with this in mind this is the run down of personalities. And we have a wide range in this litter. No particular order. Pink. She is the happy go lucky social butterfly. Always going up to others to play or exploring. Always happy. She is a little happy butterball. Few things scare her. Red. She is the smart one. The explorer. Learns something and repeats it. She will be head strong. She wants to learn and approaches things with ease. She is a kisser and loves to kiss my cheek. Purple. She is the follower. Always in pinks shadow. She is always happy and likes to follow along and play. You will find her always with someone else. An easy going personality. Yellow. She is the shy girl. She is content to entertain herself with a toy or play with someone else. You will often find her sleeping with a toy. She prefers low key and being laid back. Brown camo. He is very independent. He will go off and explore and I find him at the glass door most often. He is sniffing and exploring everything. He is quite and enjoys searching the floor for a special toy to play with.
Purple Grey. He is a solid boy. He wants to play with the rest and enjoys being social. You will find ihim in the pile with everyone else. He is quite and is a follower. Red black. He is the most laid back of all the pups. It’s as if I cloned Harley. He is quite and likes to snuggle and have me rub his neck. He can sleep in my lap for an hour and not a caeebin the world. Comments are closed.
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