5/6/2018 Crate traininglets look at the fb Post I just saw today. With in an hour she 187 comments. Each pup is different. Some are easier to train than others. I start them in a crate at 4 weeks old. At 6-7 weeks they are sleeping individually. This doesn’t mean when you get home that you may not have an issue. I like the crate in a familiar place. Aka family room or kitchen. The area you are in most. The first week they may scream. And I mean scream. You will think they can’t cry any louder. If your pup ends up doing this you can try to sleep beside the crate to comfort them the first couple nights. I’ve had families build a fort with the kids out of blankets and sleep beside the pup. If this is not an option you can try putting crate beside your bed. Again only do this if pup is really screaming and can’t be calmed down by other methods. I prefer the pup to sleep in crate in area they are mostly in. At a year or so they can be left out over night and sleep in bed ect. They need to know you are confident and in control. They can read your stress or uncertainty. Take a deep breath relax and have fun. Don’t stress. They will adjust and it work out.
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