4/28/2020 Confirmed pregnancyWe confirmed pregnancy on dolly yesterday. That’s a drive! It takes all morning to go up and back. Don’t fear, I left my son sitting beside the box while I was gone. I had 2 video cameras pointed at the box. Well one in the box, the other outside the box. And a microphone so I could yell if I wanted him to do something like move a pup or straighten out the bedding. Lol. He did very well. Like always. Anyways it was a long day so I didn’t blog last night. So I’m doing it now. I want to talk about making a plan prior to pup coming home. A plan is the do’s and donts that everyone agrees on. Like pre marital counseling. You talk about all the things that are acceptable and not acceptable when the pup comes home. Are you letting the pup on furniture? Where is the pup sleeping at night? Who is feeding the pup? Who is walking the pup? Who is in charge of training? At what age are you altering the pup? Have you selected a groomer? A vet? Barking? Jumping? Are you going to allow any of this? I like families to talk through the plan. I always tell the story of my son. He wanted curly to give him kisses when he got home every day. Curly was the first pup that he helped raise all the way to adulthood. Ok so he taught her to stand up and kiss him. Now that doesn’t sound so bad in a 10lb pup. But at 30lbs her jumping up to kiss is a pain. Now he took it a step forward. She would jump up on his lap on the sofa and kiss him. Now as an adult it’s pretty gross to be trying to have a conversation and she jumps up and sticks her tongue in your mouth mid sentence. He taught her this. So have a plan that everyone is on board with what is ok and not ok for the pup to do. You need to be consistent. I always hear the stories of oh I thought so and so was going to be the one walking the dog. Or feeding the dog. Be realistic. If you have young kids they can help but don’t expect they will do it consistently. So I try to incorporate it into our chores. If you do this, this and this for the day then you can enjoy xyz. Game time or tv time. I teach kids like pups. Everything is earned. If they don’t do the xyz that’s ok, then they have not earned the reward. No argument or yelling or even saying twice. My pups love earning a reward. Either a treat or a belly rub or head pat. Kids love earning rewards too like doing something they want to do. Just make sure what ever your plan is that you have a plan and can stick with it.
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