7/7/2016 All outsidei have to be honest. I miss having an extra set of hands at this age. Usually my son is home for summer litters and he is a big help. He has a summer job this year and is not around. And my mom usually stops every couple days to see the pups and play with them. Well she broker her knee cap and is baby sitting my nephew full time. So it's just me. So I welcomed the help last night when husband helped me get them all outside. They are not big enough to use the stairs yet. Couple more days. We were out for about an hour. They loved it. The biggest thing you watch for is what they are putting in mouth. Some are great at not eating anything. Others eat everything including grass mulch flowers hair balls dirt. You have to teach them not to do this. Easier said then done. Below is all the pictures from last night. I fed them dinner outside too.
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