6/30/2016 5weeks oldits so hard to believe these little guys are 5 weeks old already. They are loving growl. They are using litter pan. They are finding their voices. And they are still nursing. Bella weans slow. She reduces the number of times a day. But it will be at least another week till she stops. It's her bonding time with them. She still cleans their rear ends. Washes their faces. I know in some states pups can leave at 6 weeks. But Bella would probably attack me if I took a pup from her right now. She knows the benefit of the milk and the regurgitated kibble. Sissy curly is teaching them manners. You don't bite legs and tails. She scolds them. I'll be doing weights today. Sorry I have not been posting in the mornings. It takes awhile to feed and get everyone and everything cleaned up from the nighttime. I sanitize every morning. If you have been following the blog you know how mad they were last week at me taking away the box. Well I gave it back to them now that they can get in and out on own. Now they won't sleep in box. They use the box as a wrestling ring. They go in to play with each other and come out. It's so cute.
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